Friday, October 15, 2010


I'm so sick and tired of getting migraines that I just want to scream, except that would probably make me puke. How is it that I'm responsible for everyone else? I'm raising my sister's kid and taking care of our dad full-time. She lives with her boyfriend's parents. Think she could send a buck or two my way to help pay for her daughter? Of course not! Here I am trying to make ends meet and she has a new Android phone. Really?! I'm the one that never wanted kids, and now, because of her irresponsibility, I'm taking care of hers and have been for the last three years. THREE. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my niece to pieces, and wouldn't give her up for the WORLD, but how can someone have a child, raise it for 8 years, and then just give it away?? Especially a kid as great as she is? Can anyone help me understand that???

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